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The way your career run is not about others. It is about you. You cannot turn around and blame it to your dog. That's too much of an irresponsible. It is the right time that you check your tie and wear your coat. No more are the days of busy buddies.

Ruling_Number 5: People are known for being restless and high on energy. They are shrewd and do well in all forms of business. Taking advantage of other people's weaknesses comes naturally to these people. Ireland, France and Germany are lucky destinations.

The problem with most careers is the idea of enough. Here look at this: You are a finance clerk of the company and you stayed in the post for five years. Too bad. Why? You are just contented. You did not enroll to a finance career school or to an accounting institute where you can be trained and improved. With your education, you can easily rise to finance manager or comptroller.

Regardless of the actual questions which may be asked, do not wait until you think you have a click plausible answer in your head before answering. Lead the interviewer(s) through your reasoning as you try and solve the problem given to you. This demonstrates your ability to think logically as well as your willingness to solve a problem with limited facts or data.

Wandering the Web - This is different than surfing. I surf when I am looking for information. Wandering is when I wonder about a topic that is of interest but not something that moves me toward my goal. Not bad in and of itself but when I get so far down the links that I can't recall what it was I started to research in the beginning, I know I am wandering. Wandering = avoiding.

Being your own boss is a change from what you have been used to but at least you have time on your hands to do other things apart from work. You can spend more time with the family, take up classes or learn a new sport.

Once the skills audit is done, explore the possibilities. How does your skill set compare with your dream job? Now it's not the time to create barriers to your new career - allow yourself to explore. Once you narrow your choices down to two or three possible careers, speak to the people in your chosen profession - if possible, organise to shadow them at work and ask as many questions as possible.

Ruling_ Number 9: Lives for the betterment of society and will act as a change agent. They are courageous and quick. A career in law, design or politics suits them best.

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